The Annual General Meeting of Cricket Newfoundland and Labrador is tentatively scheduled for October 28th- time and place to be announced later. The following positions are up for election at the meeting:-
Directors at large (2)
In addition the Board has approved changes to the By-Laws to be approved at the meeting. The revised constitution and bylaws can be found here
A nomination committee is in place, consisting of two board members who are not standing for re-election (Gurman Khurana and Talha Riaz) and two from the membership (Saad Jahangir and Asad Khan)
Nominations may be made by any member in good standing by a written submission to the nominating committee at least 3 days before the Annual Meeting. Each nominee must indicate acceptance in writing prior to the start of elections. Nominations from the floor at the Annual Meeting will not be accepted. You can e-mail nominations to any member of the committee –,, or
Nominations will be published on the web site, and candidates are encouraged to provide a brief statement (up to 500 words) supporting their candidacy. This can be mailed to
Voting in elections will be by electronic ballot. Members in good standing are eligible to vote. Members in good standing are those who have taken part in the Winter League (played in January/ February 2017) and the Summer League, and have paid their membership fees in full. In addition, if the indoor fall league is under way prior to the AGM, any participant of a team that has registered and paid its fees in full, 7 days prior to the AGM will be considered to be in good standing. A list of members will be published on the web site in order to ensure we have a complete list. A valid e-mail address must be on file with Cricket NL in order to vote electronically.