The Annual General Meeting of the Cricket Association of Newfoundland and Labrador will be held on July 27th, 7 pm at the University Centre. All paid up members of the Association are invited to attend and are eligible to vote.
As per the constitution, the order of business at an Annual General Meeting shall be as follows:
Reading of the Notice of Meeting
Approval of Agenda
Minutes of the preceding General/Special meeting
Confirmation of the actions taken by the Board of Directors
Secretarys Report
Treasurers Report (Annual Financial Statement)
Other Reports
Election of Board of Directors
Amendments to the Constitution and By-laws
Appointment of Financial Reviewers (as applicable)
New Business
The following positions are up for election
Two directors at large
Club representative (at present we only have a single club so this position will be elected at the meeting.
As per the Constiution the nominating committee will present a full slate of candidates for election to the Board of Directors.
Nominations for candidates for any of the above positions should be submitted via e-mail to Ashwin Gupta (Ashwin is not returning to the board this year and has agreed to handle the nomination process, in coordination with a meber to be identified shortly).
Nominations must state the name of the candidate and the position being nominated for. Nominees must indicate acceptance of the nomination by e-mail. Nominations may be made by any member in good standing to the nominating committee at least 3 days before the Annual Meeting. Nominations from the floor at the Annual Meeting will not be accepted.
If more than one candidate is nominated for any position, voting on elections shall be by secret ballot and a simple majority shall elect a candidate. Voting on other matters may be by a show of hands.