After a very high turn-out in on-line balloting (over 100 of our 109 members voted), we are pleased to announce the new board to direct the affairs of the association over the next year:-

President: Saravana Kumar
Past-president: Rakesh Negi
Vice-president: Rahul Vashishta
Secretary: Gurman Khurana
Treasurer: Dave Liverman
Director at large: Ali Malik
Director at large: Hummam Bin Saif
Director, St. John’s CC: Talha Riaz
Director, MUN CC: Osama Saeed

Congratulations to all, and our heartfelt thanks to departing board members Sentill Selavamani, Amit Sundly, Adeel Illyas, Deep Patel, and Amit Sundly for their service. Thanks also to all those who stood for election- we appreciate your interest in helping advance Cricket NL.