The following nominations have been accepted by the nominating committee and the nominees:-
President – Dave Liverman
VP – Waqas Ali
Secretary – Sheikh Arifusalam (Arif)
Treasurer – Rakesh Negi

Please consider supporting Cricket Newfoundland and Labrador for volunteering to serve on the board. We are still seeking candidates for two director at large positions. The AGM is now confirmed at the MUNSU Council Chambers (UC 2001) on the second floor of University Centre starting at 5 pm, October 28th

A nomination committee is in place, consisting of two board members who are not standing for re-election (Gurman Khurana and Talha Riaz) and two from the membership (Saad Jahangir and Asad Khan)

Nominations may be made by any member in good standing by a written submission to the nominating committee at least 3 days before the Annual Meeting. Each nominee must indicate acceptance in writing prior to the start of elections. Nominations from the floor at the Annual Meeting will not be accepted. You can e-mail nominations to any member of the committee –,,  or