The Summer League will start this weekend. The Summer League committee has met to determine format and team selection. Players have been assigned to one of three teams by random draw (players have been seeded by ability and experience). Match fees for the summer league will be $30/ player (in addition to $20 membership fee). This covers the entire sumer league; occasional players will pay $10/ match.

Summer League teams

Summer league playing conditions follow:-

Summer League 2013 – Tournament Format, Rules and Regulations

Manager and Captain Responsibilities

  1. Representing team on league committee
  2. Agreement on approved umpires
  3. Ensuring field is prepared in time for prompt starts on schedule; assigning responsibility for field preparation, field clean up, umpires and scorers
  4. Taking responsibility for players adhering to disciplinary code.
  5. Ensuring that match fees are paid prior to each match.
  6. Communication of schedules and other issues to team members

We have 3 Teams Registered for the Tournament

  • The top team of the league will be crowned the champions of the “Summer League 2013”
  • The top 2 teams of the league will contest for the prestigious “Atul Ahuja Trophy 2013”.

Playing Rules and Conditions

  1. Games will be played at RCAF Field, Torbay Road.
  2. All players must be members in order to be covered by insurance, even those brought along to play one or two games.
  3. The basic format of the league will be 20 overs/ side under current ICC playing regulations.
  4. There will be a new ball provided for each innings. Red balls will be used and players are encouraged to wear white-t-shirts or at least light t-shirts if at all possible.
  5. Team managers and captains have agreed that no player is to be no-balled for an illegal delivery in league matches. If an umpire has doubts about the legality of any bowler’s delivery they should report it to the Summer League committee so if necessary the coach can work with that player to deal with any issue.
  6. Each team must have a nominated captain and a vice captain. The captain must be one of the players.
  7. Team will receive 2 points for a win, 0 points for a loss. 1 Point for each team if they don’t show up for a scheduled game or cannot get adequate players.
  8. The teams will need to submit the names of the team members when they arrive at the venue for the game.
  9. 15 Minutes break between each innings

10.  Any ball which does not bounce or stay really low will be declared a dead ball.

11.  If the ball is pitched before the mat it would be called a dead ball but if it’s outside the mat on the sides it would be a wide ball.

12.  A game must be completed by less than 3 hours 15 minutes. 90 minutes a side.

13.  All teams are to be present at their allocated schedule prior to the game, to do toss. All teams must be ready 10 minutes before their allocated fixture time.

14.  Each match is allocated 90 Minutes, so punctuality in readiness and avoidance of time wasting during the play is essential.

15.  A game must proceed as per schedule and will need 9 players from each team to have a valid game.

16.  If one team (for Example: team A) is ready with 11 players and the other team (for example Team B) is not ready, the following rules will be followed:

  1. If Team B is ready within 10 minutes of the scheduled start time, there will be a no penalty for Team B.
  2. If Team B is not ready within 10 minutes of the scheduled start time, there will be a penalty of 1 over for every 4 min lost 10 minutes after the schedule time.
  3. After 30 minutes of Scheduled time, Team A will be the winner.

Please note that each team must have at least 9 members present on the field to start the game.

17.  In case both the teams cannot get the players as per schedule. Each Team will be allotted 1 point and the match will not be replayed.

18.  If two teams have equal points then net run rate will determine the next round.

19.  The following are the approved umpires: Rakesh, Dave, Sentill, KK, Alpesh, Chitran, Ali, Shaifan, Humman, Rajender Kavish, Kranthi, Kathir, Saravana, Saad. Any new umpires will need to be validated with the Summer League committee and the Captains.

20.  No swap between the teams members

21.  If a team feels that re-balancing is required, this will be determined by the league committee in consultation captains/managers. We will not entertain any request after each or couple of matches to rebalance teams. It shall be minimum of 5 matches before we discuss rebalancing.

22.   If any new players needs to be added this shall be validated with the summer league committee and captains at least 24 hours prior to the game.

23. The schedule for next 3-4 weeks will be given to each team. If the   teams cannot play for any reason we will need a one week prior notice to the summer league committee & NLCA to avoid losing any points. This rule will not apply if NLCA had to change the schedule due to weather forecasts but we encourage teams to be flexible on the weekend?

Discipline/Playing Decorum

  1. Umpires have the final say in terms of decisions. Where required, the main umpire will discuss the dismissal with the leg umpire. If required the umpires can consult with the scorer.
  2. Any kind of dissent shown to the umpire or other players can lead to the suspension of the player or even the abandonment of the team based on the degree of the offense.
  3. Umpires can bring any disciplinary issues to the NLCA or Summer League Committee for notice and action. Likewise Captains/Manager should do the same for disciplinary issues.

Other Important Items- This will be managed by the Summer League Commitee

  1. Each team will be provided with a case of bottled water and cookies. This will be provided to the Captains/Managers for their use for the actual games.
  2. Captain is responsible for making sure all the team members are aware of the time and location of the matches.
  3. Based on the bookings NLCA Summer League Committee will send out schedules. Captains are responsible to confirm their availability within 24 hours. Due to the mother nature which we cannot be predicted we may make changes to the schedule.
  4. Please do not litter and respect the facility.
  5. 5. NLCA will provide the match officials for the each match which includes umpires & scorers. Please note that umpires will be the approved list but scores could be neutral or from the teams playing as long as the captain/managers have no issues with person designated.
  6. Team Managers/Captains must ensure that all the members of the teams are members of NLCA. Mangers must all ensure that they pay the fees on timely manner to our treasurer Chithran or any other NLCA member.
  7. At least one NLCA board member will be available for all the games. Unless there is an emergency.

All the best with the Tournament

NLCA Summer League Committee

(Chithran, Sentill, Rakesh, Saad, Shaifan, Kavish, Ali, Alpesh,Team Captains/Managers)