Five teams have committed to the 20 over league, and three to the 40 over league. The 20 over league will start the weekend of June 8-9 with all five teams scheduled to play. A detailed schedule will be available shortly.
Teams should submit a list of team members by June 1st, and 50% of the registration fee of $1200 must be paid by June 15 and with the balance by July 15. If a team wishes to pay in full by June 15, an early payment discount of $50 is applied, with a total fee of $1150.
Registration for the 40 over league will be in July, with the likely fee being $170.
There will be a meeting of captains and managers at the University Centre on Tuesday, May 28th at 6 pm.
Anyone wishing to play cricket but not currently associated with a club should e-mail