Chris Roberts writes in The Telegram:-
Bring up the sport of cricket with the average Newfoundlander and you’re likely to hear sounds made by the insect of the same name. Cricket was once a popular summer sport in Newfoundland, but that was over a century ago.
Today, it is simply known as the game played on the other side of the Atlantic, and as little as three years ago, one would be hard-pressed to even find even a hint of the sport in these parts.
That’s no longer the case….
Of course, many are hesitant to try a sport in which they don’t understand the rules, but Liverman assures it’s not as hard as it looks.
“It takes a bit of getting used to if you haven’t seen it before, but it’s a game which can be played by pretty much anybody, even if you don’t have a lot of experience.”
Essentially, he says, if you can swing a bat, you can learn to play cricket.
He says Cricket NL would also like to have the sport at least attempted in schools, referencing the fact that over 1,000 schools in Canada offer cricket.
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