With the high performance programme starting January 9, all participants need to be aware of the requirements of use of the Powerplex. Cricket NL has been asked to prepare the following plan. 

Cricket is considered a moderate and brief contact sport as per government guidance.  This plan is based on the October 7 Government Sport Guidance document, and in addition takes into account the NL Sports Centre COVID-19 plans The plan is based on Newfoundland and Labrador remaining at Alert Level 2. It is expected that if the province moves to Alert Level 3, all indoor activities will cease.


The potential risk of COVID-19 spread is highest when individuals are indoors, within two metres of each other, for more than 15 minutes, in a small space with limited ventilation, sharing equipment or food, and/or taking deep breaths (e.g. while singing, shouting or exercising). Therefore, indoor sports are considered high risk.

All public health measures required by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador will be respected at all times.

No participant can be symptomatic – fever, cough, or difficulty breathing; or have had contact with any person who has tested positive in the prior 2 weeks.

  • Any participant feeling unwell should stay home.
  • All current isolation protocols must be respected (quarantine after travel etc.).
  • Those considered in a vulnerable group based on age, underlying medical conditions, or sharing a household with those considered vulnerable should not take part until Alert 1 is reached.
  • Participants must follow the non-medical mask (NMM) requirements that came into effect on August 24, 2020. Full information may be found at gov.nl.ca/covid-19/non-medical-masks-use-in-public/
  • NMM must be worn inside the facility, however participants may remove their mask once the activity starts (e.g., as athletes start warm-up activities).
  • Participants must for each session attended sign a declaration that there are in good health and should not be self-isolating for any reason.
  • All participants must be signed in for contact tracing purposes.
  • Shared equipment must be cleaned with an appropriate disinfectant between uses.
  • Participants are encouraged to use personal hand sanitizer, and hand sanitizer must be available at all times.
  • Athletes are to arrive at the gym no earlier than 5 minutes prior to scheduled practice time. If early, they must remain in their vehicle until 5 minutes prior to the start time.
  • Athletes are to leave the premises no later than 5 minutes after scheduled completion time.
  • Congregating in social groups before and after practice is prohibited.
  • Change rooms will not be open for use. Athletes are expected to arrive wearing practice attire, except for footwear. Athletes should enter the gym and remain on the floor runners at all times to find their physically distanced personal storage space (marked with an X) where they can leave their belongings and change footwear.
  • Athletes are required to hand sanitize upon entering the facility and prior to exiting.
  • Athletes are required to hand sanitize prior to entering and exiting a bathroom; bathroom use should be restricted to emergencies only, and only one individual at a time.
  • Athletes are required to have an individual labelled water container. Athletes are not permitted to share water or other beverages.
  • No spectators are permitted – only athletes, officials and coaches.
  • Personal equipment should be stored only in the areas designated for it by the Powerplex

Entry to the Powerplex will be through the main lobby; exit will be through the designated exit doors. Entry should be directly to the gym at the appropriate time; waiting in the lobby is not permitted. After sessions, participants must leave directly; socialising or discussion in the parking lot area is not permitted.

All participants should follow the direction of Powerplex staff at all times, particularly on COVID-19 related issues.

Failure to respect or follow these guidelines can result in disciplinary action.

Monitoring of compliance

Cricket NL will have individuals responsible for monitoring compliance in attendance at all sessions. The responsible individual in practice sessions will usually be the coach, or organizer of the session.