We hope to start winter league play on 12 February; the schedule will be dependent on availability of bookings in the MUN gym, but we hope to run the tournament over a period of 4-6 weeks. Rules/ team size are as in previous leagues.
Deadline for team submission is February 7, and we plan to have a captains’/ managers’ meeting the same day.
Entry for the league will be *free* to current fully paid up members (i.e those who paid full fee for the summer league). Any non-members will pay a $10 membership fee, to ensure coverage by insurance, and to help cover costs. If you are not sure if any person is a paid up member or not, please contact us at cricketnewfoundland@gmail.com.
We hope to have a Presidents XI vs Best of the Rest match February 6/7, plus have exciting plans for a snow cricket tournament in the works!