NL STARS was founded in 2020 as a cricket club. Our aim is to develop a team that provides opportunities to individuals from all kinds of social as well as financial backgrounds by making cricket affordable. Since 2020, our club has grown from strength to strength and we have maintained our vision to develop a team that strives to improve the cricketing skills of our members.
In terms of achievements our team has played Final of Outdoor tapeball tournament in 2020. Finals of 2021 Herring shaw Cup and recently we played semi finals of Indoor Tapeball tournament in 2023.
Our Values:
1. Team Spirit.
2. Respect the Dignity of All Persons.
3. Selection based on Merit
Our Mission:
- To develop the skills of all members and promote the club.
- To participate in all cricket tournaments in Newfoundland and demonstrate professional behaviour both on and off the field.
Our Social Media Platform is Facebook
You can reach us on Social Media Platforms and also via email or whatsapp. or 709 763 7507